For example, in an accounting application, consistency would include the invariant that the sum of all asset accounts equal the sum of all liability accounts. 例如,在记账应用程序中,一致性可能包括所有资产账户的总和始终等于所有负债账户的总和这个不变式。
For more information about administering Asset Manager communities and user accounts, see Resources. 关于管理AssetManager社区和用户账号的更多信息,请参见参考资料。
Even so, Repsol may not easily surrender control of an asset that now accounts for two-thirds of its output. 即便如此,鉴于YPF如今占整个集团产出的三分之二,Repsol也许不会轻易放弃对这块资产的控制权。
The total of debit balances of all asset accounts is equal to the total of credit balances of all liability and owners'equity accounts. 全部资产账户的借方余额与全部负债账户和所有者权益账户的贷方余额是相等的。
The permanent accounts are also called the balance sheet accounts, which include the asset, liability, and owner's equity accounts. 永久性账户也称为资产负债表账户,包括资产、负债和业主权益类账户。
How is the Accumulated Depreciation account similar to other asset accounts you have seen in the past? 累计折旧科目与你以前见过的哪些资产会计科目相似?
The Cash Flow Solution of ZTE Co. Based on Asset Securitization of Accounts Receivable 基于应收账款资产证券化的中兴通讯现金流解决方案探析
Expenditures for the purchase or expansion of plant assets are called capital expenditures and are recorded in asset accounts. 为购置和扩建长期资产而发生的费用叫资本性支出,记录在资产账户。
All asset accounts normally have debit balance. 正常情况下,所以的资产帐户都应有借方余额。
The convention is seen as central in accelerating asset recovery, the return, often from bank accounts in the west, of monies stolen and transferred abroad by corrupt politicians, often in developing countries. 该公约被视为加速资产追回的关键。资产追回往往是指从西方的银行账户中,返还由腐败政客(往往出自发展中国家)盗用和转移出国的资金。
In order to record the increase, decrease, and balances in an individual item of asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue, or expense, it is necessary to establish a number of accounts. 为了记录资产、负债、业主权益、收入、费用各项目的增加、减少和结余情况,就有必要设置一系列账户。
The SEC, which sought the asset freeze to prevent the profits from leaving US-based accounts, said its investigation is continuing. sec称调查仍在进行,冻结资产是为了阻止这些利润离开在美国开立的账户。
Common types of cash disbursements which are credited to the cash account and decrease the asset account include payment of wages, payment of accounts payable, the purchase of assets, and the payment of various expenses. 而一般现金的支出,包括工资支付,应付帐款的支付,购买资产,支付各种开销,都记人现金帐目的贷方,减少了资产帐。
This is only strengthened by the lack of attractive alternatives, with other asset classes and deposit accounts potentially yielding far less. 具有吸引力的替代资产的缺乏,只是强化了这点,其它资产类别和储蓄账户收益率可能远远低于这个水平。
This term indicates that the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a credit balance, which is offset against the asset Accounts Receivable to produce the proper balance sheet value for this asset. 这意味着坏账准备为贷方余额,冲减资产项目应收账款从而得出该项资产的正确金额。
Nearly all asset and liability accounts are permanent. 几乎所有的资产和负债账户都是永久性的。
The evolution of asset allocation in US life insurance companies is characterized by independent management of financial accounts, with different earning target and asset allocation strategy set for different accounts. 美国寿险公司资产配置结构变迁具有一些显著特征:账户进行严格的分类管理,不同的帐户执行不同的收益目标和资产配置策略;
A dynamic model for asset liability management of pension fund which accounts for correlations among financial assets is presented in this paper. 本文建立了一个养老基金资产负债管理的动态模型,解决养老基金在相关性资产之间的配置问题。
Approaching the Forest Tree Asset Fiscal Accounts of National Forest Farms in Fujian Province 福建省国有林场林木资产会计核算的探讨
Looking at the domestic research on asset securitization, the majority of articles tend to focus on corporate accounts receivable securitization of equity securities of toll highways and bank credit asset securitization, asset securitization of insurance is very rare. 纵观国内关于资产证券化的研究,多数文章将重点倾向于企业应收账款证券化、高速公路收费权益证券化和银行信贷资产证券化,对保险资产证券化研究非常少。
Based on sound principles, our policy of asset impairment was introduced in 1992, the Ministry of Finance repeatedly revised the relevant provisions of impairment of assets following the first attempt to the impairment of inventory and accounts receivable. 基于稳健原则,我国于1992年开始实施资产减值政策,继首次尝试对存货和应收账款计提减值准备之后,财政部多次修订了资产减值的相关规定。
Although asset equipment management in Shenzhen Airport has been computerized, the quality management is still limited to various divisions which keep accounts of the assets based on their experience instead of well-established standards. 深圳机场资产设备管理虽然已实行计算机信息化管理,但对资产设备的质量管理却仅限于各下属单位独立台帐式管理与经验管理。
The efficiency of the current assets quality can flow through asset turnover, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover and operating cash flow and operating profit ratio. 流动资产质量的周转性可以通过对流动资产周转率、存货周转率、应收账款周转率、经营活动现金流量与营业利润比指标分析来进行评价。
Moreover, the residents of assets structure of major changes have taken place, a rapid increase in the proportion of equity asset class, investors accounts, a significant increase in the number of shareholders as at the end of 2009 the country has nearly 200 million. 同时居民资产结构也发生了重大变化,权益类资产比重迅速上升,股民开户数大幅增加,截至2009年底全国股民数量已经接近2亿。